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Project for a campaign of preventing children’s obesity


The main objective is to sensitize children above 12 years about the

importance  to have in their diet vegetables and fruit.

The main obstacle is finding a language suitable to children.

The suggested proposal is: The story of Onion in The Casale mountain” by

M° G. Ferraro. This composition uses a fairytale language most suitable to

children above 12.

The problem of children’s obesity is among the priority of the Ministry of


In “National Health Plane, It proposes to sensitize population, in order to

adopt a right alimentary model, so reducing risk factors and increasing the

ability to control and improve one’s state of health.

According to the present scientific knowledge, obesity and wrong diets are

causes of some pathologies such as: tumours, diabetes mellitus,

cardiovascular diseases, arthrosis, osteoporosis, lithiasis, caries and many

others linked to the want of iron and iodine.

Moreover prevention of obesity is necessary to decrease the economic and

social costs lying on the National Health Service. The diseases linked to the

excesses of weight cost to the State 22.8 billion of euro a year and the 14.6

of that, (64%) is due to hospitalization.

The department of Health has started a series of sensitizing campaigns,

addressed to the whole population, focusing the attention mainly to the


The young above 12 are negatively influenced by advertising and are

dominated by the suggestions of the same age groups. In fact they tend to

follow a wrong diet, preferring to eat what advertising proposes them (snacks,

sweetened drinks, chips).

In effect, in their diet, fruits and vegetables are lacking. Sensitising

campaigns for a correct diet are often addressed to parents, so they have no

effect on children.

It’s essential to uses a specific language like that of the

advertising, more comprehensible to the last ones.

The musical composition is organised according to the pedagogical project

“the wandering fable”, planned by M° Ferraro, after years of specific


M° Ferraro observes and eliminates children physical and psychological 

obstacles in a scientific way.

The length of a single piece, the technic of involving, the need to move, the

fairy language are examined with precision to get one of the most effective

and pedagogical result in the last decades.

The story of Onion in the Casale village

Musical tale for narrator, children choir and orchestra


                           Text and music


                          Giovanni Ferraro



 Educative function

1.  Musical: the composition is organized like “Pierino and the wolf” by

Prokofiev, where every character is coupled with a musical theme.

2.  Social: the text develops the themes of friendship and racism, but

above all, it highlights everything is beyond appearance. Onion is

alienated because is white, fat and makes cry, but it is a necessary

element in the Casale salad.

3.  Alimentary: nowadays , many children  are obese and they don’t like

vegetables at all.

With this musical tale, children sympathize with the heroes such as:

Onion , Corn, tomato; they are, only together, the Casale salad.

In addition, children will know also “frittata with zucchini flowers” -

“caponata”-“peperonata”. (receipt of Casale salad: boiled white onions,

potatoes, green beans and then corn and tomatoes).

·vegetables characters

·       White Onion (oboe)

·       Red Tomato and little tomatoes (bassoon)

·       Potato (clarinet)

·       French bean (violin)

·       Cob and sweet corn (flute and piccolo)


 Linked activity:

A. conference with parents to explain effects and importance of

fruit and vegetables in children’s diet

B. conference with parents to explain actual and future damages in

obese children

C. Conference with parents about themes like alienation and


B. Scholastic workshop

1.   drama workshop

2.   musical workshop (to study choirs)

3.   costumes workshop

4.   choreographic workshop (to realize dances linked to salad I/II)

5.   setting workshop

6.   drawing workshop (to elaborate  an illustration path)


1.   alienation and racism

2.   research about the way to use onion in traditional alimentary receipts

3.   other uses of the onion in popular traditions

4.   main components of the onion (minerals, vitamins)

5.   practical experience about the receipts inside the story

6.   realization of a concert

7.   realization of a cartoon


(Brief summary of the tale: this is the story of an Onion wandering around

Casale hill, searching someone to make friend with. She is alienated

because is white, fat and make cry too. The sad Onion retire in her cellar.

In the meantime, mr Tomato, mrs Potato, mr Corn and mr French bean

make the Casale salad but they realize something misses. It doesn’t like


Vegetables begin to look for what is missing in the salad. They meet the

zucchini flower, Aubergine, Pepper, but at the end they understand that is

the Onion the essential missing element.


Orchestral staff


45 performers:

1 piccolo, 1 flute, 1 oboe, 1 clarinet , 1 bassoon,1 contralto sax, 1 horn in f,1

trumpet in c, 1 trombone, 1kettledrums, 1 xylophone,1 jazz drum, 2

percussionists, violins I(10), violin II (8), violas (6), cellos (4),double basses

(3). Narrator, choir composed by 30 children.    

Optional animation composed by mimes, actors, costumes and little


Specific programme for children from 5 to 11years old.


Ps. Draws are based from a  children book-disc that is been carrying out.


Progetti Scolastici